How To Get Your Body Back In Shape

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The new baby has arrived. As a new mother, your body has changed in the last few months. You have stretch marks and you have gained weight. With diet and exercise, you can lose the weight and strengthen your muscles.

Pregnant? Is Exercise Right for You?

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Many women worry about the weight gain that is inextricable with pregnancy. You often hear women talking about their bodies before and after baby, and how pregnancy really wreaked havoc on their body’s shape and their ability to lose weight. Since we live in such a body-image obsessed world, in which flawlessly skinny celebrities are… Read more »

Strength Training – A Must for Women!

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The importance of strength training for women should not be underestimated. Strength training as a form of exercise gets little to no attention compared to cardiovascular training. Traditionally, women relied on cardiovascular activity and a low calorie diet to change their physical appearance. Unfortunately, low calorie diets are perceived as torture, and not realistic for… Read more »

Healthy Meal Suggestions for Breastfeeding Moms

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The breastfeeding diet focuses on healthy eating for both mother and baby. There are certain pieces of nutrition to focus on, but for the most part eating healthy in general is the key. We have compiled a few meal and snack ideas for our nursing moms.

Starting An Effective Endometriosis Diet That Eliminates The Potential For Candida Overgrowth

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An effective endometriosis diet can have a significant impact on the pain and other common symptoms of endometriosis and may even help to regular and prevent Candida overgrowth. Numerous studies have shown that women who implement anti-Candida diets have received notable improvements in their issues with endometriosis. This and other research has shown that strategic… Read more »

An Introduction to Diet and Gender Selection

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There are a lot of theories on how you can naturally choose the gender of your baby. One of the biggest parts of these theories revolves around diet — your diet can influence what gender you conceive. Thoughts on diet, however, are not all the same. There are various theories and thoughts on how to… Read more »