Many people are under the impression that they need to have a gym membership or some time of special equipment to be in great shape. The truth is that you can be in the best shape of your life just from doing exercises right at your own house. If you want to know how to… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Deli
Pap Smear Test – Medical Guidelines
The scientific reference name for the Pap smear test is the Papanicolaou test. The test is name after its founder, scientist cum doctor, Georgios Papanikolaou. In his research, he found that the cervix cells change in appearance to quite a degree before they become entirely cancerous.
Menopause Supplements – HRT Alternative: What’s Really in Them?
Menopause supplements have provided relief for many women that are wary of HRT’s side effects. This articles reveals why the work and why they fail to deliver in some cases.
Menopause Supplements – HRT Alternative: Why Aren’t My Supplements Working?
Some women seek relief in menopause supplements – HRT alternative remedies, but find that their supplements are not helping much. Find out the real truth behind their failure to deliver.
Cesarian Section Can Sometimes Be Mandatory
Cesarian section is a surgical procedure through which your baby is delivered via an abdominal incision. Cesarian section can be elective and scheduled in advance or it can be emergency, if an attempted vaginal delivery has failed.
How to Identify Unsafe Abdominal Exercises After a Hysterectomy
It is highly desirable for women to return to safe exercise after a hysterectomy. Unfortunately many women risk long-term pelvic injury when they unknowingly perform commonplace abdominal core strength exercises. These physical therapist guidelines are designed to help you identify and avoid unsafe abdominal exercises during your hysterectomy recovery and beyond.
What Perfect-Curve Can Do For Women
Even from ancient times, most women have shown a keen interest in enlarging and firming up their breasts. There are many products that have been introduced in to the market with promises of helping such women realize their desires. One such widely advertised product on the Internet is ‘Perfect-Curve,’ which has many natural ingredients like… Read more »
Endometriosis and Complementary Medicine
Pain in the endometriosis patient is caused by several factors which may function individually or concurrently. Acupuncture nor herbs can eradicate adhesions or endometriotic implants but may, as a result of increased delivery of mitigating biochemical substances, help reduce pain.
Vaginal Itch Cream
Why is my Vagina Itchy? BTW: Vigina is actually spelt Vagina. Apart from menopause, your delicate vaginal skin can commonly become itchy when you wear underwear made from synthetic fabrics which do not breathe properly. Underwear like polyester, rayon, nylon and other “silky” or tight synthetic materials can cause intense discomfort if you…
Kegel’s Exercises: Part II
The first time one does this exercise, they are taught to insert a finger into the vagina to get a feel of the exercise, but once you have mastered the technique, it will not be necessary to insert a finger into the vagina. Then this can be done discreetly during everyday activities. Kegel exercises should… Read more »