Using the Bacterial Killing Power of Honey for a Simple Natural Yeast Infection Treatment That Works

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Honey is a natural yeast infection treatment that can very often be overlooked especially with the popularity of methods such as over the counter treatments, natural yogurt and garlic but although using honey as treatment is a rather messy process, it does work for a lot of women and therefore is definitely worth a shot…. Read more »

Helping Memory Loss in Menopause

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If I were to tell you one food to eat every day that would prevent (and help) memory loss, what would it be? I’ll give you a hint: You’ve heard it many times before. I am definitely not the first person to tell you to eat this every day.

Getting Pregnant Using IVF

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The only constant thing in life they say is change and things have definitely changed since we first learn about reproduction and menstruation in school health class. The menstrual cycle exist for humans to get pregnant and have babies but when pregnancy fails to occur naturally in vitro fertilisation can be of help.