Bacterial vaginosis is a disease that takes place in genital area, and cause women to suffer from itch and burn feel to such genital area. Therefore, this disease or disorder does not only endanger women’s genital health, but also cause women to feel uncomfortable in doing their daily activities.
Posts Tagged: Daily
Yeast Infection 101 – Solution to Yeast Infection – Don’t Miss It
Due to an itching and burning sensation women are unable to perform their daily normal activities. As yeast infection happens at private places so they feel shame in rubbing. According to a survey 75% of women suffer with yeast infections.
Cure BV Naturally – 7 Tips For Stopping Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis in It’s Tracks
Are you suffering with recurrent bacterial vaginosis and wishing you could cure BV naturally? If you are, then it’s likely that you are sick of the itching, burning and pain that this condition can cause and the odor? Yes, this condition can cause a very distinct odor in some women too. Maybe you know that… Read more »
How to Beat Low Libido Problem in Women
One health concern that is continuously becoming common amongst women is low libido or lack of sexual desire. In this article let us find out what is causing this problem in women and what changes they can adopt in their daily lifestyle to overcome lack of sexual desire.
Sex Enhancement For Women – Does it Alter Their Physical and Mental Frame of Mind?
To lead a healthy normal active life, one must follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Sometimes, the food we eat does not provide the necessary nutrition that is required to take care of various problems, that can arise. Therefore, manufacturers have lined the shelves with tonics, vitamins and supplements that aim at restoring the… Read more »
Menstruating Could Be Making You Weak – Know How to Fight Menorrhagia
There are millions of reasons why we feel tired: from lack of sleep and begin under pressure of stress to being hung-over. However, one reason why women feel down and a little under the weather is menorrhagia-an abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding. This is very often overlooked and many women just cannot function normally in their… Read more »
More than 300, 000 women
More than 300, 000 women and teenagers had their breasts enlarged with silicone or salt implants final year and more than 40, 000 implant removal procedures were also performed the similar year. Breast implants are an immensely famous procedure; however, lot women are not quite as acquainted with the drawbacks of breast surgery as they… Read more »
Thousands of women every year say that they
Thousands of women every year say that they would like to have their chest enlarged so that they can look better. They contemplate using breast augmentation surgery in order to gain a larger cup size, but what they don’t think about is the recovery period. They think about the benefits that they’ll get from having… Read more »
An ancient Thai “miracle” herb reveals itself to be a real-life fountain of youth
The direct translation of mirifica is “miracle-maker.” And when I heard what this herb could do, I decided that the name couldn’t be more appropriate. For centuries, Pueraria Mirifica has been working magic that (until now, at least) most of us have only seen in big-budget Hollywood films-or in our absolute wildest dreams. And if… Read more »