Exploring Natural Menstruation Help And Advice

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Every woman has to deal with their monthly menstrual cycle, but it causes various different problems and discomforts, depending on who you are. The symptoms can even vary from month to month. So, you might find that some months menstruation is bearable and other months it has you taking to your bed for days.

Effective Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cycle Pains

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Taking medication to fight menstrual cycle pains usually doesn’t work. At least, it only works for a very short time. Why is that? Well, most medications are meant to reduce pain, but not reduce the actual causes of menstrual pains, such as an excessive amount of hormones in the system.

How to Overcome Premenstrual Syndrome

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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is an evident change in the state of woman, arising in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappearing with the onset of menses. Up to 80% of women experience some kind of discomfort before menses. However, 5-10% of women have severe symptoms of PMS. Related Blogs Related Blogs on How… Read more »

Your Whole Guide To Hemorrhagic Cysts Treatment

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A hemorrhagic cyst sounds scary, but in actuality is usually a completely natural plus normal part of menstrual cycle of many women. Nearly all women with a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst find that they disappear before they are aware that they have one. At least this is the case for nearly all women, but for those… Read more »

Ovarian Cysts – A Variety of Treatment Options

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Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid and they are formed if the egg is not released during the woman’s menstrual cycle. They are very common among women of all ages. Generally, ovarian cysts are harmless. However, if they cause some problems for a woman they usually can be treated by an OB/GYN.

Several Methods for Pregnancy Prevention

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There are several ways to prevent pregnancy as there are a wide range of contraceptive measures available on the market that help prevent pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted diseases. However, contraception like any other medical procedure has advantages as well as disadvantages. One method of preventing pregnancy such as the calendar month method are… Read more »

4 Types of Ovarian Cysts

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There are a number of different types of cysts that can form on the human body, and there are also different types of ovarian cysts that can form on the ovaries. The majority of ovarian cysts are considered harmless and many are a very part of the natural process of life. Cysts will generally form… Read more »