The reason for hot flashes is actually quite simple. Dropping levels of estrogen and progesterone throws off a part of the brain that regulates your body temperature. The brain gets confused and misreads changes in your body temperature, thinking that a crisis is at hand. Typically it thinks that you are overheating. In order to… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Crisis
Low Ovarian Reserve, High FSH Levels and Early Menopause – And Then Pregnant at 40!
For many couples the heartbreaking experience of infertility is the first life crisis that they must face together. The realization that there might be a fertility problem often comes as a shock as we never think it will happen to “us” and infertility can be a complex and confusing journey. “I was told by three… Read more »
Post Menopause Libido and How to Boost it Naturally
Menopause or the midlife crisis brings about a lot of body changes in women. The main cause this is a drop in the production of female sex hormone estrogen. As a result of a drop in the production of this hormone, most women experience low libido post menopause.
Having a Female Midlife Crisis? – Be Grateful
Female midlife crisis often has a negative connotation. This doesn’t have to be the case. If you really pay attention to what is going on in your life, this can be a great wake up call to fix what’s not working and finally pay attention to your own dreams and desires.