There is no denying that everyone who has ever had a UTI wants to find a UTI remedy that works. And of course the preference is to find a remedy that is natural, safe, and affordable. A UTI, or urinary tract infection, is a bacterial infection of the urethra that is most commonly caused by… Read more »
Posts Tagged: course
Why it Doesn’t Pay to Second-Guess Nature When it Comes to Fertility – Part One
I’m talking about fertility here and the very natural desire to try and regulate when you have a baby. As more women are carrying their careers on alongside having families, and even more are delaying starting a family, you would think that the latest development in menopause detection would be very welcome. And on some… Read more »
7 Steps to Resolving Vaginismus Or the Inability to Have Intercourse
As a sex therapist in private practice in Orange County and Riverside, I treat many women with vaginismus. Vaginismus is a frustrating and embarrassing condition that affects thousands of women, even though most women that have it feel very alone.
Menopause Night Sweats
As a common symptom of menopause, night sweats can be extremely uncomfortable, distressing and of course have a detrimental effect on a woman’s health and well-being. Due to night sweats, menopause sufferers can find it difficult to have a good night’s sleep, leaving them tired and lethargic the next day. Menopause night sweats related are… Read more »
Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis – Top 3 Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis
There are various home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. Most women turn to natural treatment options to treat the bacterial vaginosis infection simply because it is devoid of the side effects that you can get from the use of drugs, and they also want bacterial vaginosis gone forever. Of course you can opt for use of… Read more »
Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy – How it Starts
One of the most devastating conditions of menopause is vaginal atrophy. When this happens, it can become almost impossible to engage in sexual intercourse. However, this is a highly treatable condition. Read this article to learn several methods of treatment.
How to Cure Fibroids Naturally – Some Tips to Help You Overcome Myoma
Uterine fibroid or myoma is a tumor in the uterus that may cause painful menstruation and even painful sexual intercourse. Aside from that, it may also be the reason for heavy and irregular menstruation. Thus, if you are looking for cures without going under the knife, read on for natural ways to cure it.
The Truths About Plan B
While many people have heard of Plan B, and some have used it, few people really know what the drug is. They understand that it can stop them from getting pregnancy after intercourse, but how, or why? It’s actually an interesting process understanding how Plan B works.
Low Libido in Women Who Have No Interest in Men Or Sex
People are always looking for means of entertainment no matter where they live. The most common activity which people indulge in for deriving and giving pleasure is sexual intercourse. The medical terminology of sexual desire is called libido.
No Need to Fear Bacterial Vaginosis – Get Rid of This Disease
These days, a lot of women around the world experience a common reproductive problem. A much recognized form of reproductive infection which is called as Bacterial Vaginosis or BV. This can be very alarming with in women because the disease is known as a recurring type, after being treated can still be acquired. The illness… Read more »