8 Common Causes of Feminine Odor

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There are eight common causes of feminine odor that every woman should be concern about. These causes range from poor hygiene to sexually transmitted disease. Nevertheless, these causes or culprits can be prevented if addressed immediately and accordingly.

3 Things Your Gynecologist Should Check

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It seems like every other month there is a new health concern, especially if you are a woman. Whether it be HPV (Human Papillomavirus) which infected about 45% of women back in 2007. Or the dreaded breast cancer. But what about the other problems women face down there? Check out these three.

The Concerns Regarding the Cost of Donor Eggs

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The cost of donor eggs has been a major issue amongst people donating and couples wanting to have a baby. The country’s price for a donor egg was previously $4,000 but today there are fertility centers that agree to pay as much as $15,000 for a donor egg.

Fertility Concerns After Breast Cancer Treatment

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More than 12,000 women under the age of 40 are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women under 40. The number of cancer survivors of reproductive age in the United States is now estimated at about 500,000.

4 Types of Ovarian Cysts You Need To Know

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Throughout a woman’s lifetime, she will experience a number of ovarian cysts. Thankfully, many of the cysts that will form and grow will not cause any medical issues. However, it is possible for an ovarian cyst to cause symptoms that will concern the woman. Preventing cysts is the goal and being educated about the 4… Read more »

3 Causes of Dry Skin in Women

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As we begin to age, the most noticeable of all the signs reminding us that time is passing by quickly is that our skin begins to dry out and wrinkles begin to mark our faces. This is simply a natural progression of age and is of no cause for concern at all. At the same… Read more »