One of the major causes of infertility and IVF failure is a thin uterine lining, inadequate blood flow to the uterus, i.e. low uterine artery pulsatility index. Treatment to increase blood flow is essential to improving fertility and reducing chances of miscarriage. It should be noted that stress, lack of exercise, not enough rest, lack… Read more »
Posts Tagged: chance
Do You Have These Signs Of An Ovarian Cyst?
Ovarian cysts are a common occurrence in women when having their period. As long as you are menstruating there is a chance that cysts will form. Most of these cysts come and go without you feeling a thing or even noticing it. The majority of these cysts are completely harmless.
Risk Factors and Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
Here is some useful information on treatment of uterine fibroids and factors which can increase the chance of your suffering from fibroids. Uterine fibroids also referred to as fibromyomas or myomas, are non-cancerous tumors of the uterus. Hence the chance of the tumor spreading to other parts of your body is zero.
How To Get Rid Of Endometriosis Naturally
If you are disappointed with your options in respect of conventional medication and are wondering how to get rid of endometriosis naturally, then you are probably giving yourself the best possible chance of success. Surgery and drug treatment are at best, temporary fixes whereas natural treatment can address the root causes, thus bringing about long… Read more »
Possibilities For You That Are Available With The Help Of Rhinoplasty
There are several factors that can effect a person as well as how do they tend to perceive themselves, in the relation of their image. One of the most significant physical resources which impact the confidence individual has in themselves, in relation to image, is found with facial appearance. When an individual discovers they have… Read more »
Menstruation Calculators
One of the best things that a woman can do to keep track of her period cycles is by using menstruation calculators. These calculators will allow you to keep track of your start and stop times so that you can manage your busy schedule around them. By being able to keep track of your monthly… Read more »
How Do Women Get Yeast Infections? Known Risk Factors and Causes
What are some of the risk factors that can enhance the chance of your contacting this infection? What are some of the known causes of which triggers this infection in women? In this article I am going to share information on some of these basic questions which women are often concerned about.
Common Risk Factors Responsible for Fibroid Growth
Have you been diagnosed with fibroids recently? Does the thought of fibroid tumors in uterus scare you? Are you young in age and worried whether you will be able to conceive or not? What contributes to the growth of fibroids? What increases the chances of suffering from fibroids? These were some of the concerns that… Read more »
Why a Size Label Doesn’t Mean Anything About Your Body: Part 1
You know that it’s just not a smart idea to pick a blouse up off the rack and take it through the checkout without trying it on. And when you do try it on, chances are that you’ll feel so bad about how it looks on your body that you’ll either head straight to the… Read more »
Best PMS Remedies You Won’t Find at the Drugstore
When it comes to PMS remedies, where’s the first place you turn to for fast relief? If you’re like most women, chances are that you grab your car keys, drive down the road and immediately run into your nearest drugstore for over-the-counter medication. You take a couple of pills, wait in agony for an hour… Read more »