Normally vagina releases fluid to keep your vagina clean from dead cells. In normal condition, healthy vagina does not excrete odorous vaginal discharge. But when you are ovulating or having your menstrual period, the discharge will change into a thicker fluid.
Posts Tagged: Cells
Another Fire Tested Strategy to Conquer Your Mood Swings
Controlling our mood swings. That is the goal, right? We are going to learn how to do just that today. First, we need to get a basic understanding of a thing called a neurotransmitter. And I am going to put it in “layman’s” terms so we can all understand how it is affecting us on… Read more »
Supplements and Breast Cancer Treatment
Do you know that dietary supplements may not be safe or effective inst cancer patients? Why? Because most supplements contain a huge amount of antioxidants, which can work against anti-cancer drugs and render them ineffective against cancer cells.
Tubal Sterilization
Sterilization is the process by which the spores, live cells and viruses are completely destroyed. While “tubal sterilization” will not “kill” anything, ligation prevents sperm to swim toward the egg for fertilization. When a doctor performs ligation, the fallopian tubes of women are stuck on each side to prevent fertilization by the desire of this… Read more »
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – Diagnosis, Symptoms and Potential Complications
Polycystic ovary syndrome has an effect on thousands of women each year. This particular condition commonly results in a variety of symptoms, including abnormal or painful monthly cycles. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a type of hormonally induced condition in adult females, which develops when the ovaries end up producing tiny cysts instead of releasing their… Read more »
Menopause and Natural BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormones are chemical messengers, produced by the endocrine system (produced by one organ), that circulate in your bloodstream giving instructions to your cells (another organ/system). For example, the thyroid gland’s hormone, thyroxine (T4), governs and monitors your body’s rate of metabolism and energy production.
Reducing Risks in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Insulin resistance is often identified as the major underlying cause of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a common health issue among women in the reproductive age. Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells. Its release is triggered by the presence of glucose in the blood.
How Do You Get Yeast Infections?
Your body has naturally been protecting you from Candida infections since you was a small child. The fungus that is now feeding on your skin cells and causing the irritation you’re suffering from has been lying dormant in your body. It starts out as a controllable Candida yeast that lives on your skin and in… Read more »
Candidiasis Symptoms And The Normal Flora
Humans are just like any other microorganism. Like most organism, we also partake in building relationships with other organisms, even microorganisms. The human body that is just composed of human flesh, human cells and human tissues is also a habitat for different microorganisms. These microorganisms could either be harmful to us that can cause disease… Read more »
Hemorrhagic Cyst – What Is A Hemorrhagic Cyst And Is Bleeding Bad?
The human body is a remarkably complex organ. In almost all instances, thousands of cells work perfectly in harmony to create tissues, organs and systems. When you think about how amazing that is, the mind boggles.