Some reasons for vaginal itching include: synthetic clothing, chafing caused during sex, fungal infections of the vagina, bacterial and other infections of the vagina, sexually transmitted infections. If you do not know what the problem could be, please consult your doctor for diagnosis. There are a number of different types of products on the market… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Caused
Vaginal Irritation After Sexual Intercourse – Why It Occurs, How to Minimise It and Heal It
Often irritation after intercourse is actually caused by pubic hair chafing the delicate genital skin. Please note: hair removal is not going to be effective unless your partner does the same! Sometimes we have an overgrowth of fungal or bacterial microbes in our vagina without really noticing any symptoms. We may only notice the irritation… Read more »
Vaginal Thrush – What Is Vaginal Thrush and What Treatment Is Available?
Vaginal thrush is an infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It is also known as Candidiasis or monilia. It is also more commonly known as a yeast infection. Candida albicans is found naturally in small numbers on the skin and inside the vagina.
Is Anemia Preventing You From Conceiving a Baby?
If you are trying to conceive, anemia may be delaying your plans. Anemia is a common disorder among women, primarily caused by iron deficiency. If your body is fighting to stay healthy, you may be less fertile. Eating a diet rich in minimally processed, iron rich foods can help prevent anemia and insure your body… Read more »
Relief From Night Sweats and Hot Flashes Caused by Menopause
The change in life otherwise known as menopause has many symptoms that women experience. Two of these symptoms, night sweats and hot flashes, relate to the body’s ability to regulate heat. The imbalance in the hormone estrogen is what causes the uncomfortable symptoms. Naturally, there are some things you can do to relieve these unpleasant… Read more »
Some Potential Causes Of Yeast Infection In Women
Yeast infection in women can be caused by different things and it is important for people to know what may be at the root of it whilst trying to cure the problem. So, in order to help you out, here are some of the most common causes that you really should be aware of in… Read more »
Understanding The Symptoms Of Premenopause
Premenopause symptoms are caused by dropping levels of sex hormones. This drop in hormones is a function of our transition out of our reproductive years and into menopause. Menopause is programmed into our genes the same way that the age of puberty is. The symptoms of menopause begin during premenopause as ovarian secretion of estrogen… Read more »
How To Diagnose And Treat Yeast Infection
There are several methods to treat yeast infection. Also known as candidiasis or thrush, this condition is caused by a fungus. When it infects the vagina, it is called vaginitis. The most common symptoms involve swelling, redness and itching. When the vulva or vagina have been infected, symptoms can include burning, irritation, soreness, itching, and… Read more »
What Is an Ovarian Cysts Diet?
We are being told that we are eating more and more foods that are unhealthy and that these poor diets are causing a variety of medical issues. Ovarian cysts have been linked to a poor diet and by following an ovarian cysts diet; it is possible to correct the imbalance that the malnutrition has caused.
Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection
Yeast infections or candidiasis is a common problem with women. It is caused by an overgrowth of candida or yeast cells in the system. This can be caused by taking antibiotics, as antibiotics kill bacteria and also kill beneficial bacteria that help to keep the candida cells in the body from becoming too numerous. Other… Read more »