The infection that is caused by Candida Albicans, a kind of fungus is commonly referred to as a yeast infection. This condition is also called as candidiasis in the medical terminology.
Posts Tagged: candidiasis
Is Candida Albicans a Sign of a Yeast Infection?
Yeast infection is caused by the fungus called Candida albicans. Yeast infection is triggered by Candida albicans, a common fungus present in most people. Yeast infection is an overgrowth of a fungus, called candida that naturally occurs in the body. Yeast infection is a symptom of a deeper underlying problem in your body called Candidiasis… Read more »
Getting to Know What Acidophilus Yeast Infection Treatment Is
Acidophilus treatments are used to eliminate the presence of a yeast infection. But what is this sort of infection? A yeast infection is basically an overgrowth of a particular fungus called, Candida Albicans. The proper medical term that is usually used for this condition is Candidiasis.
Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection
Vaginal yeast infection is most commonly caused because of the fungus candida albicans. It’s also known as monilial vaginitis or vaginal candidiasis. Most women suffer from this ailment at some point in their life. The disease can also appear in the digestive tract, skin and the mouth.
Different Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections
Yeast infection, or candidiasis is one of the most common vaginal infections that women usually experience. According to research, about 75% of women are likely to experience one at least once in their life. Studies have also shown that a significant percentage of women suffer from recurrent or chronic yeast infection. There are numerous factors… Read more »
Home Remedies For Yeast Infections – Get Relief At Home Starting Today!
Home remedies for yeast infections work just as well if not better than some of the many prescription and over the counter medications that may be recommended by your doctor. Home remedies for candidiasis are also inexpensive and do not cause any side effects that may be result from various yeast infection medications. Below are… Read more »
How Do I Tell The Difference Between Herpes And Vaginal Yeast Infection?
A vaginal yeast infection (vaginal candidiasis) is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and it is very common problem among women. As for herpes, it is a sexually transmitted disease and is caused by the HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus). How to tell difference between Herpes and Vaginal Yeast Infection?
Natural Candidiasis Treatment Strategies
Have you considered trying natural Candidiasis treatment strategies? For many women who have tried conventional treatments, this can feel like a last resort-but it is anything but! Some women will try natural means and find that they work better than conventional medication.
Yeast Infection Treatment – Regain Your Health And Put An End To Yeast Infections
The phrase yeast infection is the term for a vaginal disease labeled candidiasis. Candidiasis is actually brought on when there is an overgrowth of the particular fungus candida albicans. Candidiasis is frequently seen in moist as well as warm areas of the body. Many people get a yeast infection normally just after taking oral antibiotics… Read more »
Different Types of Yeast Infection Rashes
Yeast infection rash can occur in different parts of the body due to infection in the skin. Yeast infection or Candidiasis is a common infection suffered by men and women and the primary culprit is the Candida species. There are many species of this yeast fungi but one of the most common species that cause… Read more »