Vaginal fungus among women is quite common. The causative agent responsible for the infection is a yeast called Candida albicans. The infection occurs when the number of these organisms increases to a certain level.
Posts Tagged: Candida
Recurring Thrush – What Is It?
Recurring thrush is a yeast infection, which occurs when there is a yeast imbalance in the body. It is said to be caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans. Recurrent yeast infection occurs in people, who lose the yeast balance in their body. It is said that body has its own mechanism for fighting the… Read more »
Candidiases Symptoms
An explanation of what candidiasis is and what symptoms are associated with it plus, what happens if left untreated. When the Candida levels within your body grow beyond its ability to adequately deal with them, you develop Candidiases. Now, your body normally is able to deal with low levels of Candida due to the help… Read more »
Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms and Treatments – Effective Natural Remedies for Candida
The vaginal tract is normally inhabited by yeast of the various Candida species. When the environment is altered or the number of good bacteria drops, the growth of yeast is fostered. The woman then experiences vaginal itching and burning, presence of discharge, and painful sexual intercourse. Vaginal yeast infection or candidiasis is the second most… Read more »
Yeast Infection Home Treatments – Tips for Curing Your Candida At Home
Yeast infection is a very common problem among women described by a symptomatic burning itch that is enough to test anyone’s limit. Yeast infection as a plague is also known as Candidiasis or Candida that is caused by a microscopic group of yeast or fungi.
A Dieting Habit Towards Candida
Candida is a kind of fungus that occurs biologically inside the body, and populate in the moister and mucus packed body systems. Most of the occasion the good bacterium inside your body is capable to maintain your Candida at great levels, but there are moments when you come overwhelmed with the barm and are unable… Read more »
Tips for Treating a Yeast Infection Naturally – What to Do So As to Kiss Candida Goodbye
Yeast infection is a really bothersome problem that is most commonly seen in women. Because yeast infection is classified as a fungal microbe that enjoys staying in wet and dumpy places, the vagina instantly becomes one of their favorite breeding grounds. In a recent study conducted, one out of four women is estimated to develop… Read more »
Symptoms and Cures for Vaginal Yeast Infection – Easy But Very Effective Treatment Options
Among all types of yeast infection, Candidiasis is known to be by far the most popular form of yeast infection that plagues the human society. Candidiasis is known to have 20 known species, the most popular being candida albicans. Under a perfect dumpy and moist condition, candidiasis can multiply so fast that they can cause… Read more »
Candida Albicans Natural Treatment – Using Alternative Medicine for Treating Yeast Infections
Candidiasis is a disease caused by the overgrowth of any of the fungal species in moist and warm areas of the body. Of the species of fungi, Candida albicans is the most common disease-causing type. Although, it is normal for fungus to inhabit the skin, when there are breaks in the integrity of the skin,… Read more »
Are You A Last Resort Candida Yeast Infection Patient?
Many women I have seen in the clinic with candida yeast infections have told me that I am “their last resort”. This article is dedicated to those who have checked into the Last Resort Hotel, and think they can never leave. Any experienced doctor will almost have certainly heard of the last resort patient and… Read more »