It is a known fact that a woman’s fertility rate declines rapidly as she turns 30. Even more so, every year after that. By the time she reaches 40, it becomes even harder to get pregnant, much less get pregnant fast. Well, worry no more. There is still hope for you and thousands of women… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Becomes
Chronic Yeast Infection Symptoms of Oral Thrush You Must Look Out For
Thrush is caused by the Candida bacteria or fungus in the body and to be more specific, when the bacteria multiply to a point where the immune system cannot keep it in check anymore. There are a number of things that can cause this weakened immune system and the most popular are the contraceptive pill… Read more »
Stop Your Chronic Yeast Infections Forever
The problem with yeast infections is that yeast is a natural part of the human body. It only becomes a problem when the yeast grow out of control. This often happens either because the body’s pH balance is off, or because other organisms, which are the natural enemies of yeast, have been killed off, which… Read more »
Search For the Truth in the Concept of Vigorelle
There are many women, who face problems before and during sex, for they have some kind of problems with their sex organ and the desire for sex is relatively low to satisfy their partners. This becomes the reason of several other social problems. Lack of efficiency in sexual activity can take away confidence, happiness and… Read more »
Causes and Symptoms of Thickening of Uterus
If you are a suffering from thickening of uterus, medically this condition is known as endometrial hyperplasia. Endometrium is the lining of the uterus and in women, who are sexually mature, it becomes thick each month. However, if pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium is expelled from the body during the menstrual period.
How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Without Medicine
Yeast infection is commonly caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans, now this type of fungus is already part of our body, so most of the time it is harmless. The only time that the fungus becomes an infection is when there is a major imbalance in our body. This major imbalance will set off… Read more »
Fibroid Surgery – Surgical Option in Treating Uterine Fibroids
When uterine fibroids becomes worse and affect your way of life the only option left is to undergo treatment. There are a lot of ways to manage fibroids either through uterine artery embolization (UAE) or surgery.