Identifying a Yeast Infection – How You Can Tell For Sure

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This article aims to outline the main symptoms of yeast infection to aid the reader in identifying whether he or she is afflicted with this disease. While there are many types of yeast infection, including balanitis, intertrigo, oral thrush etc, the author addresses the common types, mainly vaginal itching and oral thrush.

Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy – How it Starts

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One of the most devastating conditions of menopause is vaginal atrophy. When this happens, it can become almost impossible to engage in sexual intercourse. However, this is a highly treatable condition. Read this article to learn several methods of treatment.

How Can I Get Ovarian Cyst Relief?

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How can I get ovarian cyst relief is a question that can be answered in more than one way. I will try to touch on several in this article: common practices of the medical world; the natural or holistic cure; and tips for temporary relief of pain.