If you have fibroids, you may already be aware that your treatment options as far as conventional medicine is concerned is severely limited. Both surgery and drug treatment to suppress estrogen are only temporary measures as they do not remove the causes of fibroids.
Posts Categorized: news from industry
Vaginal Muscle Exercises – Exercises Can Tighten Your Vagina Quickly
Vaginal muscle exercises are the easiest and least expensive way to tighten the vagina. Many women consider medical procedures that costs thousands and thousands of dollars, but there is absolutely no reason to do this when there are simply exercises and techniques that can be done anytime, anywhere.
Understand Your Ovarian Cyst
A cyst by definition is a fluid filled sac. They can occur anywhere in the body and are generally harmless. The female reproductive system seems especially susceptible.
How to Cure a Yeast Infection – Three Things You Must Do!
So, what if you think you have a Yeast Infection? What can you do to cure it? A short and quick to read article that will tell you three useful pieces of advice!
Tips For Removing Yeast Infection
Yeast infection or candidiasis is a very common yet unnoticed disease. Most of the people who suffer from it are not aware of what it is and how to treat it. Candidiasis is caused by a yeast species named candida albicans. It can be removed easily if you know what to do. Removing candidiasis is… Read more »
Detecting Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is more likely to affect women during their middle age years and beyond. However, this disease can occur any time during a woman’s child bearing years. This is why it is important for women of all ages to understand the different stages of this type of cancer. Early detection is important in order… Read more »
Make My Vagina Tighter – Get a Tighter Vagina Quickly (Take Your Sex Life to a New Level!)
If you want to make your vagina tighter, there are simple exercises that can make your love muscles considerably stronger and more powerful. As long as you have the right information in front of you, you can quickly and easily get a tighter vagina within a week or two.
How to Cure Vaginal Odor Using Home Remedies
Vaginal Odor is really embarrassing for a woman. The very common reason for Vaginal Odor is Bacterial Vaginosis which is caused by an infection of bacteria in which the vagina discharges white liquid with a fishy smell and causes severe itching.
Natural Yeast Infection Cure – Find Out How to Get Past This and Move on With Your Life
I am assuming if you are reading this you are suffering from what you believe to be a yeast infection. I can only assume you are then in desperate need of natural yeast infection cure NOW! You are not alone.
Yeast Infection is a Problem of 80% of All Women
Yeast infection is a problem that over 80% of all women will endure at some point in their life time. What is it and what can we do about it?