Candida albicans is a fungus that lives inside the human body, however, excessive growth of the same causes vaginal yeast infection. In several cases, these fungi proliferate and cause itching, inflammation, burning sensation, irritation and even swelling in the surrounding areas.
Posts By: mirific
Natural Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis – 2 Simple Remedies to Cure It
It may be embarrassing for girls having issues with bacterial vagina. This is really common in the vaginal area because there is so much natural growing bacteria, though that doesn’t change your level of embarrassment when it comes to speaking with your doc. Here are easy natural remedies for BV that you can tested before… Read more »
Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally With These 3 Easy Tips
What is this condition that will affect somewhere around 7 in 10 women? Of these 7 women, many will have the unfortunate problem of chronic recurrence. Basically, fungus, called Candida starts to grow uncontrolled and eventually takes over the environment.
Easy Home Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by some rather unpleasant symptoms. If you have itching and burning of the delicate vaginal tissues, which is accompanied by a foul, fishy smelling discharge with a thin consistency and gray or white in color, then it is highly likely that you have BV.
Cure For Ovarian Cysts – What You Can Do If You Have Been Diagnosed With a Cyst on Your Ovary
There is a cure for ovarian cysts, it’s natural treatment methods that work along with the advice of your medical professional. You can easily make these changes in your lifestyle so you can get rid of that unwanted ovarian cyst and never experience one again in the future.
Best Treatment For Candida Albicans
We often ask ourselves what treatment works best for Candida albicans. The treatment for Candida albicans is based on many factors that will impact the type of medication that is most effective.
What Makes For a Good Anti Candida Diet?
Can a good anti Candida diet work? This question is best answered by how well you can follow a program of not only diet, but of repopulating your G.I. tract with friendly bacteria and cleansing out the remaining colonies of Candida.
Why Curing Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally is the Best Option
If you have BV, then you are certainly not alone! This very common condition affects most of us at one time or another during our adult lives. Although some women are lucky enough just to have an isolated outbreak which rights itself without intervention, most of us will suffer from repeated outbreaks, often over many… Read more »
Low Female Libido and How to Boost it Naturally
Low female libido is highly common among women and there are a a whole lot of factors and issues that are responsible for it. There are some all natural libido enhancers or supplements that can help boost libido in women naturally and without any side effects.
A Brief Introduction to Yeast Infections
Although yeast is known by many names including Candida, Monila, and thrush – all of them essentially refer to the same thing, which would be an infection caused by a type of fungus. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with a bacterial infection, in fact, yeast is really used by the body… Read more »