I found several cases of my friends that they develop fibromyalgia and yeast infections right after having a hysterectomy. They are confused how this could happen and whether FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrome) is part of candidiasis symptoms or not.
Posts By: mirific
Natural Yeast Infection Cure – Why it May Be the Only Option For You
When it comes to natural yeast infection cure, it does not have to be uncomfortable in fact, a natural treatment can be as easy as simply changing your diet. With a natural cure you have the peace of mind that you are taking care of your body in the best way possible and generally with… Read more »
Many Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis Do Not Provide Long Term Results
Bacterial Vaginosis is a medical condition that affects millions of women every year and yet man y of those women who contract this condition is wrongly convinced that they are alone. This condition can be extremely embarrassing since one of the common symptoms is a pungent odor. It is these odors that make women who… Read more »
Tightening Your Vagina – This is the Fastest and Most Reliable Way to Do It
The subject of tightening the vagina is a widely discussed subject online and due to the very large audience that it commands, there are various people online who also claim that they know or have the perfect solution for it. Amongst this supposedly perfect solution includes various kinds and brands of sprays, creams and consumables.
Tighten a Vagina – Reasons Why You Need a Tighter Vagina
Vagina tightening creams are increasingly becoming popular amongst women who have lost vaginal firmness due to aging or childbirth. Once women lose their vaginal firmness their sexual life is greatly affected as well as sometimes rifts tend to creep in the relationship.
Natural Remedies For Fibroids – Surgery is Definitely NOT Your Only Option
Have you had it with conventional doctors constantly telling you that your only options for dealing with your fibroids are surgery or to wait for menopause? I don’t blame you. You can’t totally blame them either as they are not taught about natural remedies so cannot offer you any.
Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms May Include an Intense Odor
There are various bacterial vaginosis symptoms that can occur with an individual who is inflicted with this condition. The most obvious symptom is an intense odor that has a somewhat fishy smell to it. This odor is often overpowering and is bound to affect the inflicted individual emotionally as well. It is necessary to remember… Read more »
Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Treatment – The Various Ways Practiced Today!
A female human body contains two ovaries on both sides of the pelvis. These ovaries produce eggs that are responsible for reproduction in humans. A cyst is formed in an ovary if there are any irregularities in the growth or release of the eggs.
Yeast Infections – Highlighting the Main Yeast Infection Causes and Possible Cures
As you may know, the body generally contains yeast. However, when this yeast overgrows, yeast infections occur which are characterized by an off white discharge, itching, burning and painful urination. So what exactly causes this overgrowth of yeast in the body?
4 Ways to Reduce the Pain of Ovarian Cysts Without Medication
Some women have ovarian cysts and never even know it. But for most of us there is considerable pain in the pelvic region. This pain is not monthly menstrual cramps.