Women who have lost their vaginal firmness due to childbirth or aging generally look for options to tighten their vagina again. There are basically two options available through which vagina can be tightened one is through vagina tightening surgery and the other one is through application of natural vaginal tightening creams.
Posts By: mirific
Dealing With a Bacterial Yeast Infection
The term vaginitis refers to an inflammation of the vagina that may cause irritation, discharge, odor, and/or itching. This condition can be caused by many factors, including a bacterial vaginal infection, hormonal changes, disease, medications, sexual intercourse, stress, or something as simple as an allergic reaction to detergent or lubricant. For this reason, it is… Read more »
Treating Bacterial Vaginosis With Alternative Herbal Medicines
The vagina is a very sensitive area that houses both the good and bad bacteria. For this reason, a woman must be clean at all times.
How to Beat Low Libido Problem in Women
One health concern that is continuously becoming common amongst women is low libido or lack of sexual desire. In this article let us find out what is causing this problem in women and what changes they can adopt in their daily lifestyle to overcome lack of sexual desire.
Progesterone and IVF
Progesterone supplementation is a very important part of the IVF process. Since, it’s adequate progesterone that keeps the uterine lining from shedding, not having enough after the embryos have been put back can cause the IVF cycle to fail. Reproductive endocrinologists routinely prescribe progesterone support during the latter part of the IVF cycle and during… Read more »
Get Pregnant Today – Reverse Damage Causing Infertility and Finally Get Pregnant
Most infertility cases are our bodies trying to let us know that something isn’t right, that our bodies may not be able to carry children. Our bodies are very complex and are usually right about these issues. Insulin resistance and hormonal disorders are some of the most common problems plaguing women across the world.
Vaginal Dryness Natural Home Remedies
If you are one of those women experiencing vaginal dryness, it can be good to know that there are a lot of things you can do about it. There are both medicines that you can get from your gynecologist or doctor and natural remedies that you can either get from on your own or from… Read more »
Three Specific Causes of Infertility For Women
Certain medical conditions can lead to infertility. Proper diagnosis and treatment may restore or improve your fertility. The medical condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) causes your ovaries to act abnormally and leads to irregular or lack of menstrual periods, abnormal or absent ovulation, and, therefore, infertility.
The 3 Main Causes of Infertility – Health and Lifestyle Concerns For Women
Infertility may be caused by a variety of physical conditions and lifestyle choices. Sometimes, you can change your lifestyle habits and improve your own fertility.
Treatment For Yeast Infection – Get Rid of Oral Yeast Infection That Causes You Mouth Pain
And even when you get your antibiotic things have just started for you. Sometimes the antibiotics with have adverse reactions with your oral yeast infection which can in some rare case lead a a worsened condition. And the side effects from antibiotics such as nausea and vomiting can out weigh the little benefit if any… Read more »