Health 101: Chronic Yeast Infections

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Are you suffering from chronic yeast infections? Stop your frustrations and continue reading this brief article on how to treat chronic yeast infections. Chronic yeast infections are usually not life-threatening once it has been addressed properly.

3 Proven Ways on How to Cure a Chronic Yeast Infection

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Yeast feed on sugar so it’s only logical to avoid foods that are high in sugar (especially refined sugar). Dried fruits and packaged fruit juices have high amounts of sugar. Try to avoid canned vegetables as well as condiments that contain yeast or mold because they have the tendency to make yeast multiply.

Understanding the Chronic Yeast Infection

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Yeast infections are anything but uncommon, as 20 million women alone in the United States suffer from yeast infections; even a fraction of men experience them as well. Chronic yeast infections are caused by Candida Albicans, which is a form of yeast, and can quickly develop and spread to any part of the body.

Different Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections

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Yeast infection, or candidiasis is one of the most common vaginal infections that women usually experience. According to research, about 75% of women are likely to experience one at least once in their life. Studies have also shown that a significant percentage of women suffer from recurrent or chronic yeast infection. There are numerous factors… Read more »