How to Manage Recurring Bacterial Vaginosis?

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Recurring bacterial vaginosis is an issue which many women face. BV treatment with the help of antibiotics is usually effective for most women. However in almost 30% of women who make use of antibiotics for BV cure the condition reappears within 3 months of treatment. How to deal with repeated attacks of vaginosis?

Finding the Right Bacterial Vaginosis Cure

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Searching for a bacterial vaginosis cure? There are tons of different options that women can pursue when searching for ways to cure their bacterial vaginosis. You can go the natural route and use things such as garlic, yogurt, and tea tree oil. Or, you can opt for a more traditional antibiotic treatment.

Thrush Symptoms Among Women

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Thrush is a quite common ailment among women, caused by the fungus Candida albicans. This is usually found around the vaginal region and in several women, there are no thrush symptoms as it is neutralized by the presence of other bacteria inside the vagina. Sometimes, bacterial equilibrium gets misbalanced due to hormonal changes during pregnancy,… Read more »

Yeast Infection Treatment – Regain Your Health And Put An End To Yeast Infections

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The phrase yeast infection is the term for a vaginal disease labeled candidiasis. Candidiasis is actually brought on when there is an overgrowth of the particular fungus candida albicans. Candidiasis is frequently seen in moist as well as warm areas of the body. Many people get a yeast infection normally just after taking oral antibiotics… Read more »

Bacterial Vaginosis and Its Cures

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When it comes to bacterial vaginosis the cure that is the most common is the same as the cures that are accepted for many infections and that is antibiotics. However, this can many times be problematic. The reason for this being that many have an intolerance to antibiotics and some even have allergies.